Experiences of returning to the UK to study during Covid-19

Experiences of returning to the UK to study during Covid-19

Janice: It has been fine, we have adopted a blended learning method. Lectures are online but there is still in person classes which keeps learning more engaging. The university has been doing things to keep us safe like having a mandatory indoor face-mask rule and providing alcohol wipes. They also provide a trace and track service. 

Walter: As a second-year student, on campus accommodation is no longer provided and I rent a house with friends instead. Since Hong Kong has a low number of Covid-19 cases, I only had to worry about getting from the airport to my residence once I physically arrived in the UK, I booked a private taxi to avoid public transport.

Alex: For me, personally, I have found the experience okay. All my first-term lectures have moved online, and my department has given us the option to have online or in-person seminars. The University of Warwick also has its own track-and-trace system, and the numbers of active Covid-19 cases are publicly disclosed every week. 

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